Linda Ledbetter - Artist Reception
Co-Pilots: A Celebration of Raptors and Their Human Allies - Sept 18th, 6:30 - 8pmCost:
FREE – $20.00 per personDuration:
1h 30minAbout this experience
Wednesday, September 18th, 6:30 - 8pm
Show Description:
What an incredible opportunity it is to be so close to a raptor that you can look into their eyes or feel the tip of their wing brush against your head. This is the kind of experience that Fall Flights at the World Center for Birds of Prey offers, and it can be life-altering.
For our part, humans have definitely altered the lives of these apex predators. We’ve encroached on their territory, poisoned their food with rodenticides and their bodies with lead, and disoriented their migration with light pollution. They deserve better, and the work The Peregrine Fund does is fundamental in improving their chances of survival.
We can all be part of that mission, starting with the little choices we make each day to care for the environment and its inhabitants. One of humanity’s best traits is the desire to protect the things we love. This exhibit focuses on the mutual trust and affection between the Peregrine Fund’s ambassador birds and their human allies, in hopes of inspiring us to recognize these raptors as part of our larger family– something worth loving and protecting.
Artist Bio: